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李娜,女,汉族,1986年10月出生,河南省原阳县人,中共党员,副研究员。入选第二批所级“青年英才计划”培育工程。2017年8月至11月赴国际农业研究磋商组织下属研究机构国际生物多样性中心(Bioversity)法国分部进行为期3个月的遗传多样性分析的培训,2018年9月至12月以访问学者身份赴新西兰Plant & Food Research进行合作交流。


(1) Na Li, Dongji Song, Wei Peng, Jiepeng Zhan, Jiaqin Shi, Xinfa Wang, Guihua Liu, Hanzhong Wang, Maternal control of seed weight in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.): the causal link between the size of pod (mother, source) and seed (offspring, sink). Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2019, 17(4): 736-749

(2)Na Li, Jianli Shang, Jiming Wang, Dan Zhou, Nannan Li, Shuangwu Ma*, Fine mapping and discovery of candidate genes for seed size in watermelon by genome survey sequencing, Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 17843

(3)李娜, 王吉明, 尚建立, 李楠楠, 徐永阳, 马双武, 西瓜枯萎病生理小种1抗性QTL精细定位与InDel标记开发. 中国农业科学, 2017, 50(1):131-14

(4)Jianli Shang, Na Li(共同第一) , Nannan Li, Yongyang Xu, Shuangwu Ma, Jiming Wang, Construction of a high-density genetic map for watermelon Citrullus lanatus L.) based on large-scale SNP discovery by specific length amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF-seq), Scientia Horticulturae, 2016, 203: 38-46

(5)Na Li, Wei Peng, jiaqin Shi, Xinfa Wang, Guihua Liu, Hanzhong Wang, The natural variation of seed weight is mainly controlled by maternal genotype in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.), PloS ONE, 2015,10(4):e0125360

(6)Na Li, Jiaqin Shi, Xinfa Wang, Guihua Liu, Hanzhong Wang, A combined linkage and regional association mapping validation and fine mapping of two major pleiotropic QTLs for seed weight and silique length in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.), BMC Plant Biology, 2014,14:114.